Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon, Birthdays, &Randomness

As you all know.. New Moon, from the Twilight Saga, came out in theaters on Friday, November 20, 2009! Being the nerds that we are, T* and I along with another gf went to see the midnight showing of the movie! Thank goodness I pre-ordered the tickets days ahead of time. I checked to see if the tickets were still available the day after I purchased them and they were sold out!

New Moon! Ahhhhh~

T* & our gf with their printed out tickets!

Right before the movie started!
Excuse my ridiculous wardrobe. I wore my high school
sweatpants + a tanktop with a cardigan
+ my Juicy Couture jacket.
It was 12AM in the morning and it was a 2hr movie.
I aimed to be as comfortable as possible, lmao.

The theater was packed with people of all ages. It was mostly all females, but there were a couple of bfs watching with their gfs, lol. So many people had their Twilight tshirts and all. Everyone was smart and went to the theater 30mins-1hr ahead of time to get decent seats. By the time the 3 of us got there, it was pretty packed already. Luckily we found 3 decent seats towards the middle! :D

The movie was good, but like always.. the book was a million gajillion times better. Sorry for all the Edward fans out there, but.. TEAM JACOB~ How can you resist Jacob and his 8 pack? ;p Hahaha. If you haven't read or watched New Moon.. read it, watch it, and love it! Lol :]

So, my fall semester is coming to an end in about a month. Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week?! This semester just flew right by me. My spring semester won't be as easy-breezy. Unforunately, I'm stuck taking afternoon classes instead of my usual morning classes. I'm not very excited about that. Anyhow, I'm pretty excited for winter break. I get roughly a full month off. I can't wait til Christmas and New Years! :D Hehe.

Recently, I've been sick so I've been resting at home a lot. T* persuaded me to watch this korean drama (I can't believe it..)! It's called You're Beautiful. It stars Jange Geun Suk (from the movie Baby and Me), Park Shin Hye (from the dramas Stairway to Heaven, Tree of Heaven, Goong S, and more), Lee Hong Ki (from FT Island), Jung Yong-hwa (a upcoming artist), and UEE (from After School). The plot of the whole drama sounds a bit stupid, but it's actually really funny! It only has 16 episodes, so it's a pretty quick drama. T* and I are almost done with it! The last 2 episodes come out next week!

If anyone's interested in watching You're Beautiful
please click: HERE

Okok, let's recap now since it's been a while since I've last updated. In the beginning of November it was both my mother's birthday and my bf's mother's birthday! Yay. Happy (now belated) Birthday to them both! I love my mommy lots ;] I bought her this Clinique gift set with a lot of the products that she uses and I bought my bf's mom leather gloves from Nordstroms.

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you :3
The cake was from an asian market by our house.
It was a chestnut cake. It was so good!

Happy Birthday to my bf's mom! :]
The cake was from Baskin Robins.
It was an ice cream cake, yum~

Speaking of birthdays, it was also my cousin's son's birthday (I never know what to call him.. my second cousin?) in September. Anyhow, the little trouble maker turned 8 :] I called him and asked him what he wanted for his birthday and surprisingly.. he told me he wanted books! Lol. I asked him what books and he told me The Diary of the Wimpy Kid and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, hahaha. I called Barnes and Nobles and asked them if they had that in stock and they informed me that they had it, it was a series, and that the 5th book just came out. I told them to put all 5 books on hold for me and that I'd go pick them up in 20-30 mins. Since I order all my books online through Amazon, I never realized how expensive books were when you purchased them in the store. The books cost me around 70$+? Lol, but it was worth it. He was very happy ;D

My aunt bought him this delicious chocolate cake.
It was sooo good~ I think he ate like 2 huge pieces! Lol.

That's it for birthdays, hahaha. I was over my bf's house one weekend and he randomly showed me all the stuff he purchased for his younger brother. I have no idea what sparked this sudden act of kindness, lol. His younger brother is off dorming at college so I guess you can say my bf misses him a little tiny bit, even if he will never admit it ;p He's coming back this Thanksgiving break so I guess he's in for a little suprise, hehe.

He got him this Gucci wallet. It's pretty nice.
I got my bf a Gucci wallet for his birthday last year.
I forgot to take a picture of it ;x

He got him 2 beanie hats from ALIFE.
The eyeballs one is sooo cute! I wanted to steal it :p

He got him 2 fitteds from ALIFE as well.
He also got him a hoodie that has a similar design to
the fitted on the right, but I didn't take a good picture
of it to shared, sorry ;[

Personally, I haven't really bought anything lately. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I finally invest in a good curling iron! It's a 1 1/2 inch curing iron from Hot Tools. I love it. It works very well~ I haven't really gone clothes shopping for a little while.. the last things I purchased was probably this jacket from Forever21:

Patent Belted Plaid Jacket

I have yet to wear that jacket. It's really cute though and I really like it :} As I mentioned earlier in my entry, Thanksgiving is next week and I am excited! I love Thanksgiving because I love family gatherings and I love food! Hehe. Speaking of food, a while ago.. I made chicken parm for T* and I. It was delicious!

Chicken parm pasta! Yummy~

Since we're on the food topic.. I had this deeeeelicious crab cake at work! Omggg, it was so good. This company scheduled a lunch meeting with my doctor to discuss working together, etcetc. And, that company paid for lunch. The catering was aaamazing. I had.. salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing, Thai noodles, chicken wrap, crab cake, and fresh fruits and homemade brownies for dessert!

Deeelicious crab cake~

As I was eating, I decided to take a picture of it and sent it to T* to make her extremely jealous LOL. So, I did and it worked :p lmao. She texted me back and gave me the middle finger via text, but little did she know.. I, being the bestestestest friend that I am, saved her a plate of food since we had so much left over. Sighh.

That's pretty much everything that's been going on. Oh and yes, Congratulations to the New York Yankees! Woooo~


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