Saturday, February 27, 2010

No more snow, PLEASE!

I cannot stand the snow anymore. Yes, I am happy that my Friday class got cancelled and my exam got postponed, but seriously.. it needs to stop. I don't recall the last time we got this much snow. I had to shovel my car out of a pile of snow today. That took me just about an hour. I'm totally going to have back pains tomorrow. I've been so bored lately because of exams. I've been forcing myself to stay focused. Due to the snow, my last exam got pushed back to Tuesday. So, I still have one more to go! Then I will finally be freeeee. I was supposed to go spend a day in the city with my gfs this Sunday, but that doesn't look like it'll happen because it's supposed to snow and rain some more! How lovely. I haven't gone shopping in a long, long, LONG time and I'm itching to buy something. I know T* and I made a promise to save money (starting March 01, 2010), but I can't help ittt ;[ lmao. Shopping soothes my heart, hahaha.

I stopped by the mall today with T* because she was looking for a dress to wear for my birthday. It was a really quick trip. Then we met up with another gf of ours to have dinner and catch up. During our dinner, our gf ordered a Southwest Wedge Salad, not thinking that it'd actually be a wedge of lettuce.. lmao. It was just the funniest presentation we've ever seen. She ended up asking them to take it back and getting a regular house salad instead.

Southwest Wedge Salad, lolll ;p

After dinner we all just went home. T* and I actually have work Saturday morning so our Friday night ended pretty early. Plus, it was just freeeezing outside. So, Saturday.. I have work from 9AM-1PM. Then I think I'm gonna make another trip to the mall to actually walk around a bit for myself. After that I'll probably hit the gym. Then I'll probably stay in and study some more for my exam on Tuesday. I still have to watch Public Enemies. I have to return the movies on Monday? I think. Ohhh! As you may already know.. I've started a new drama! :3 It's called CHUNO. So far so good! Only 3 episodes are free as of right now on Dramafever. Episodes 4-10 will be free as of March 04, 2010!

If anyone is interested in watching CHUNO
please click: HERE or HERE

My birthday's coming up! I don't think I'm doing anything crazy big. I just want to have a good time with good people ♥ T* is doing a pretty good job keeping my present a secret from me this year.. usually she cracks when I bother her, lmao. Hopefully I will have a lot of pictures to share :]

Current songs suck in my head:
♪ MBLAQ ft. C-LUV- If you come into my heart (thanks T* lmao~)
♪ Lady GAGA ft. Beyonce- Telephone
♪ Jason Derulo- In my head


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